About Me

On safari in Tanzania

On safari in Tanzania

I’m a 29 (now 31) year-old former corporate desk-jockey who has made the decision to leave the comfortable life to which I’ve grown accustomed and to embark upon a journey to experience as much of what this world has to offer that I can.  I was originally born in a small town in Northeast Ohio, but moved around the state a few times when I was younger.  After graduating from Miami University (OH) with a business degree, I spent several years working in Chicago, IL.  Once my stint in the White City had come to an end, I moved back to Ohio and graduated from the MBA program at Ohio State University in 2008.  Ever since, I’ve been living and working in Columbus, OH — which I now call “home” — at least up until the point at which I decided to hit the road.

Travel has always been a passion of mine that was cultivated at an early age.  I still have fond memories of road trips all across the United States with my family as a young child.  Additionally, I’ve been lucky enough to be able to embark upon several international voyages throughout my High School and College years, including trips throughout the Caribbean, to Trinidad and Tobago, England, France, Canada, Mexico, and Switzerland (side note — the Alps aren’t the ideal place to learn how to ski for the first time, as I learned first-hand).  After these adventures, I caught the travel bug and have been yearning to hit the road ever since.  I’m not sure where I’ll end up or which countries I’ll pass through on my adventure, but I’m sure I’ll cherish each memory and location for it’s own unique experiences.

In additional to travel, I’m also a hardcore foodie (one of the “secret” reasons why I’m taking a trip around the world) and beer geek.  Whether it is eating out, experimenting in my own kitchen,  watching cooking shows, hosting beer-tastings, home-brewing, or reading books about cuisine and culture, I’m never been able to satiate my appetite or quench my thirst.  And if I’m not traveling, eating, or drinking, you’ll likely find me playing golf or hiking the trails, as these are my other favorite ways to pass the times and enjoy the outdoors with friends.

If you’d like to contact me, you can leave comments here on this blog; or, if you’d prefer a more private means, feel free to drop me an email at the following address:


A few more pictures:

Hanging out with a local kitty-cat in Chiang Mai

With pack in hand, I'm ready to depart

With pack in hand, I’m ready to depart


Hiking in Croatia

Out to dinner with some new friends in the Djeem el-Fna Square in Marrakesh, Morocco

Sittin’ On Top of the World in Singapore

Kayaking in Thailand

Kayaking in Thailand

Hanging out with a few new friends in Kanazawa, Japan

Hanging out in Kanazawa, Japan

Climbing the Castle Walls in South Korea

Climbing the Castle Walls in South Korea

Enjoying the view in Laos

76 Responses to “About Me”

  1. I’m so jealous! I hope I can travel the world someday!! Enjoy it 🙂

  2. Love your blog. Looking forward to see more and read more.

  3. “In additional to travel, I’m also a hardcore foodie and beer geek (one of the “secret” reasons why I’m taking a trip around the world” — one of the reasons why we also love to travel…to drink the beer! 🙂 Hey goodluck and be safe in your journey! Are you hitting Southeast Asia?

    • It’s going to be a few months before I can get there, but I’m definitely planning on hitting Southeast Asia — and likely spending a great deal of time there. Hopefully we’ll run into each other!

  4. Enjoyed your posts..Cheers!

  5. Haiy, a nice blog.. 🙂

  6. Very good decision! I have also left my job as a lawyer to see more of the world and to return to university (http://andreasmoser.wordpress.com/2009/07/31/sabbatical/). I am poorer now, but I have more time, I am happier and I feel younger.

  7. I love your posts about Italy! Thank you for sharing…I will be coming back to them to read all over again when I am longing to go back to Italy, it is such a wonderful place! I have been luck to go twice, I just wish someone would invent something to make traveling faster (and cheaper) so I can keep going back to Italy!
    Happy and safe travels to you!

  8. Like the description — corporate desk-jockey! Haha!!

    Happy travels!

  9. Hi! I recently found your blog and had a good time reading your posts. I make sure that I’ll keep updated with your stories because I can see me in you a couple years from now (one way or another, as a world traveler).

  10. Way to go, Andrew! You mom passed this information on to me and bragged about what a good writer you are. She’s right, but then I already knew that!

  11. Glad I found your blog! Great stuff!

  12. Enjoy the adventure, my friend!

  13. Nice blog. Do you also write for the fun of it?

  14. Hello Sir,

    I am jon, author of (1000 Awesome Things with A Glass)… I just want you to know that I nominate you as one of versatile bloggers since I got interested and enjoyed your weblog every time I visit here. You have a very great niche and a very strong theme… I really liked it…
    Please check my page at http://aljonpartz.wordpress.com/awards/ stating you as one of my best nominees!

    For the glory of wordpress blogging,
    Jon Page

  15. I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award! Go to my blog to find out about it.

  16. Wow I love reading your adventures and I love your quote about regret. I totally agree with you life is about experiences and it looks like you are living it up! Keep the posts coming!

  17. Hi There,

    I have thrown you into my list of versatile bloggers. To see what this means check out my post at:

    Sorry this is a bit short, but there is so much to do.


    I see this has happened before..

    Oh well

  18. Wow, truly awesome 🙂

  19. Cant find your email,leave it for me in the hostel, enjoy the rest of your trip and maybe we meet up in Bangkok!

  20. i think your blog is awesome! i wished i could be temporarily lost! i have nominated you for the versatile blogger award: http://trialsinfood.wordpress.com/2012/02/29/the-versatile-blogger/ 🙂

  21. I just perused your images of Thailand–the colors, the temples, the food (of course), and your infectious sense of adventure were dynamic and buoyant. It will take me a while to catch up, but I will!

    Margaret Tabor

  22. HI Andrew! I really do enjoy reading about your adventures! I’ve also nominated you for the Kreative Blogger Award 🙂 See my post…


    Have a fantastic weekend!

    • Steph,

      Thanks for the nod — I appreciate it. I’ve loved reading your blog as well, so I feel honored you chose me. I’ll try to get a post up about the Kreative Blogger Award (as well as the Versitale Blogger award — for those others who are still waiting for me to do that one as well) as soon as I can. Thanks again!


  23. I’m “touching” you on my blog today…..hopefully some of my readers will find you and stick. Thanks for all you have added to my life.

  24. despite the different background it seems we embarked in a similar journey, and we both are couchsurfers. It would be great to get some tips from you and who knows, we can even cross path during the year 😉

    • Although I have a Couchsurfing account, I actually haven’t done much couchsurfing. Regardless, I’d love to help out with any tips, questions, advice, etc., so feel free to fire away. And I hope we do cross paths — best of luck on your trip!

  25. Yey for globetrotting beer geeks! I’ve come across your blog upon a very reliable recommendation, and I find that I’m quite happy. 🙂 Kudos!

  26. The Smile Scavenger Reply July 25, 2012 at 3:10 pm

    You inspire me, thank you. I’m trying to do the same sort of thing… made this blog because I’ve always followed “the right path” but have never been truly happy.

    Congratulations on being brave enough to do this! I hope I get there soon. If you have getting started advice posts, could you please link me to them?

    • Thanks, Amber, and I’m glad to hear that you’re on a similar path! Unfortunately, I haven’t written any “advice” posts as of yet, but if you have any questions at all, feel free to drop me an email (temporarilylost@gmail.com) and I’ll do my best to help out. I’m looking forward to reading about your adventures in the future!

  27. Will your journeys be taking you to Nova Scotia?

  28. I just love your blog… Its my dream to travel the world like you do… But as I’m still doing my under graduation, I guess it’ll be some time before I can start… But I guess I can tag along with you through your blog till then!! Thank you for taking me around the world!! 🙂

  29. Hey Andrew!

    This is the best travel blog I can ever relate to and also enjoy reading it! Not because I was your fellow desk-jockey from old Hexion. Really impressive and inspiring! Best of Luck!.


    • Belle – long time no see! I’m glad that you’ve enjoyed reading about my travels so far, and thanks for reading by the way. I hope all is going well in your world, and hopefully we’ll run into each other again somewhere down the line!

  30. Hello, I really enjoy your blog and have nominated you for One Lovely Blog Award. Keep up the wonderful writing. http://thisfloridalife.com/2012/09/22/lovely-blog-award/

    • I appreciate the nomination — it is an honor! One of these days, I’ll finally get around to putting a post together regarding the various blog awards (I apologize to anyone else out there still awaiting this). Anyway, thanks again, and looking forward to reading about the beautiful state of Florida!

  31. Love your blog, and wish I had your life. Cheers!

  32. I have a great time reading your blog posts here. You truly enjoy your life. You inspires me a lot, thanks. You even learn the word ‘kayaking’ in Thailand and it’s impressive. Be safe.

  33. Great shots. What adorable kitten-tiger! It is trustful, look at his sweetest face expression (unless someone already fed him lol). The sight in Singapore is fabulous, a small country that gives you a scene of the entire world, very civilized 🙂

  34. I’m so excited to stumble across your blog! I’m setting off to do the same thing in about a week and a half. Funny enough, I’m going to be staying in Switzerland and was hoping to learn to ski in the Alps. Not a good idea? ha Anyway, I’m going to be documenting my travels as well, and I would love to know if you had any tips or suggestions from your own travels. Nice to meet you!

    • Jasmine,

      I’m glad to hear that you’re taking a similar step in pursuing something you’re passionate about (travel) as opposed to simply following the norm of getting a job immediately. Although the decision may seem unconventional, it is certainly something you won’t regret.

      As far as general advice, you never know what will turn out to be the most memorable experiences, so just go into everything with an open mind. If you ever have any specific questions, however, feel free to drop me an email, too, as don’t mind passing along tips and tricks for life on the road. You’re going to have a great time, and I wish you all the best on your travels!


      PS — Learning to ski in the Alps is fine, just don’t allow your friends to throw you out into the deep end of Black Diamonds on your first time out, as mine did! Ha ha.

  35. I love this. What you’re doing is EXACTLY what my husband and I talk about doing every day… this year we’re going to try it and we’re really anxious and invigorated to take the plunge! Congrats and a ton of kudos for what you’re doing! You only live once!

    • You’re right: you only live once, so we must all take advantage of life when we have it. I’m glad to hear that you and you’re husband are following your dream, too, and I wish you the best of luck on your journey!

  36. What an inspiring blog! I look forward to reading more!

  37. Loving your blog, mate! Safe travels and look forward to following your journey 🙂

  38. You’re such an inspiration to me! I want to travel the world someday 🙂

  39. I enjoy your blog and have nominated you for the Liebster Award! Please check out the post for more info.

  40. Wow. I just came across you via the WP Reader suggestions. You have quite the blog going. Just wanted to shoot a note saying I love your site, what you do and how you do it. I am a fellow “Quit the job to travel” junkie, so I look forward to reading more. Keep blogging. Keep traveling. -Emily

    • Thanks, Emily, and especially so coming from a kindred spirit such as yourself! And I’m looking forward to following you on your adventures, too!

  41. Good tales fella. Living the dream eh 🙂 seems like we are on similar trips right now! Check me out por favor

  42. wow… love the pic with the big cat…. when i visited thailand, i was advised not to visit chiang mai… from a very animal rights perspective… seems the monks drug the tigers… any take on that?

    • I’ve heard similar rumors about the tigers, but I can’t confirm them. The place I visited was very insistent that they don’t use any drugs or sedatives (and the cats were pretty active), but then again, you never really know — they might just be something they are telling the tourists. Thanks for reading, by the way!

  43. Andrew Amiet (the Australian one) Reply July 10, 2013 at 3:23 am

    I notice you haven’t made it out to Australia yet. If you ever do, might be fun to meet up 🙂

    • Oh my gosh — it’s my doppleganger! Ha ha. And you’re right, I haven’t yet made it to Australia, but if I do, I’m definitely going to look you up so I can see what it feels like to meet yself! Thanks for reading!


  1. A Lovely Day: One Lovely Blog Award « thisfloridalife - September 22, 2012

    […] https://temporarilylost.com/about/ […]

  2. Gulf Coast Rising News | A Lovely Day: One Lovely Blog Award - September 23, 2012

    […] https://temporarilylost.com/about/ […]

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