Archive | March, 2013

Masalas, Naan, Thalis, and Lassi : Eating In and Around Northern India

Much like the country itself, eating in India is an adventure in strong, forceful flavors, of pungent smells that aren’t necessarily always appetizing, of stepping out on a ledge and sampling the whirlpool of unknown ingredients, and of the blending of any influence that is readily at hand.  Additionally, given this is the region of the world where […]

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Camel Safaris and Sand Dunes in Jaisalmer

Whether it is weaving through a sea of white-knuckle traffic on the back of a motorbike, harking back to the memory of a bygone era in the back of a human-pulled rickshaw, cruising the rural countryside on the back of an ATV, watching islands and beaches slowly drift by from the deck of a touring boat, or […]

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